Public Noncommercial Utility Company (PNUC) “Lviv City Polyclinic №3” is subordinate
to directorate of healthcare of humanitarian politics department of Lviv city
administration, and is an independent therapeutic and prophylactic institution, which
exercises corporate rights, has its own seal and statute. Planning of activity, financing,
supply of medical equipment and property is operated under established requirements
and norms of current legislation of Ukraine.
The main work front of Public Noncommercial Utility Company “Lviv City Polyclinic
№3” is to give qualified primary healthcare to adult and child population of Levandivka
micro-district and Bilohorshcha village, specialized outpatient, consultation and
diagnostical medical help, out-of-hospital inpatient care as a day patient facility,
outpatient surgery and traumatology, as well as regular prophylactic, preventive
services and educative work among the population.
Tasks of PNUC “Lviv City Polyclinic №3”:
1. Primary and first-aid treatment of patients with acute diseases, traumas and
2. Medical home visits to the patients who due to health reasons cannot come to
the polyclinic and have to maintain bed care, and are in need of regular follow-
up or decision on whether to be hospitalized.
3. Detection of diseases on early stages, qualified medical examinations of ill and
healthy people who attend the polyclinic.
4. Appropriate and qualified healthcare for population in both outpatient
consultation in the polyclinic and at home.
5. Timely hospitalization of the patients in accordance with the disease profile.
6. In-patient care in day patient facility.
7. Specialized gynecological care in female health department.
8. Preventive services: vaccinations, detecting of the patients with infectious
diseases, dynamical follow-up of infected patients, etc.
9. Temporary and complete disability examination, issuance and extension of
medical reports on temporary incapacity and labor recommendations when
transferring to another job, selection for sanatorium-resort therapy.
10. Referring patients with signs of complete incapacity to disability determination
services (DDS).
11. Educative work among the registered population, workers of attached
enterprises, their hygienic education.
12. Records of workers’ performance under certified forms, analysis of statistical
data that characterize the polyclinic’s work, in particular analysis of general
morbidity, disability and mortality rates.
13. Events for development of competence of doctors and middle grade medical
14. Planning of activity, financing, supply of medical equipment and property is
operated by established standards and statutory documents of MOH of Ukraine
under the arrangements in place.
15. The functioning of the PNUC “Lviv City Polyclinic №3” is governed by the statute
of the institution, collective labor agreement, internal work order regulations
and other statutory documents of MOH of Ukraine, Healthcare department of
Lviv Regional Public Administration and directorate of healthcare of
humanitarian politics department of Lviv city administration.